Tuesday, December 5, 2006

The First Post

We are the Recliners. We're a middle school band from New Hampshire. Let me get you up to speed.

It really started in 6th grade with a failed band known as Killing The Trend. Although we never practiced, it was our first original "lineup". I was the singer/keyboardist, Lee Droste was on drums, (I think) Will Jensen was on bass, Chris Jordan on guitar. I don't remember if Josh was in it at that point or not... but anyways.

The band fell apart really quickly. That's all I'm gonna say about that. There was never any practices, and basically no communication between us... so that's that.

But things are different now.

In and around September of this year, we thought about trying again. Our skills were pretty well-developed and we felt like we should give it another shot.

The first practice was at my house, maybe the next week after we formed. This time around, I was playing drums, Josh Byrne was playing rhythm guitar, Will was playing bass, and Chris was lead guitarist. And things worked well until we realized that we needed a singer in order to be a complete band. So for now, we're sort of floating between me and Chris on drums, until we can find a better option.

Our first song that we ever pulled together was a jam session based on the chords of "Pride and Joy". I think the longest we've ever gone with it was about 7 or 8 minutes, and it's just a good thing to fall back on in case we ever feel like we're in a slump. (Which we have already on like 2 or 3 occasions.)

So that's us. There'll be posts almost every week.



sage said...

OMG I LOVEEEE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


tell me when u guys r actually gonna play anywhere!(jay said 3-6 months) lol. When you do i'm gonna videotape it so we can all look back on it in r high school reunion or something lol. idk,,,

Well, me and eliza are making crepes (yum yum :)) so i gotta go...



b-rad said...

wont take it seriously.............pffffff.... women please